interior design business toolkit by john mcclain

The Essential

— Interior Design Business Toolkit

Grab my toolkit filled to the brim with 14 Downloads, Guides, & Templates - the essentials that every interior design business owner needs centering around the 3 P's: Pricing, Process, & Products!

Why Waste Time When You Can Get Down To Business?

You can spend hours and hours of your valuable time hodge-podging together bits and pieces of what you think MIGHT work for your design business OR you can just grab my toolkit and GET TO WORK TODAY

I have honed these documents and templates over 15 years of use in my own 7-figure interior design business and I can tell you, THEY DO WORK

Just think of the time and energy you will save by using my tried and true, professional plans, templates, documents, and processes!

Customize all documents and templates to exactly what you need! Colors, fonts, logo, text and more. All templates and documents are ready for you to use as you wish!

Does any of this sound familiar?


You need to hone in on exactly which services you need & want to offer your clients.


You're a bit timid about setting expectations with clients and need documents that do it for you!


Your processes could use a bit of tweaking and you want to give your clients a better experience.


You're ready to start turning Discovery Calls into Consultations -  & Consultations into Clients!

Using my proven methods, templates, processes, and techniques, you will be ready to “fill in those missing blanks” of your design business & finally get organized, streamlined, and professional (oh and don't forget profitable)!

Charlotte A.

I'm so glad I grabbed this with the coupon code. It has saved me sooooo much time and energy, Thanks John!

Shana d.

Your transparency model is exactly what I was looking for in my own business. This toolkit has truly been a God send.

Jesse R.

I was having trouble explaining how I ran my business. Your documents allow me to be upfront with my clients.

Ready to get the Ultimate Toolkit For Your Interior Design Business?


Regular $177


What's inside the toolkit?

🟡 38 Page Client Welcome Package Template, Value: $27

🟡 Client Install Day Preparation Guide, Value: $12

🟡 Define Your Ideal Client Workbook, Value: $8

🟡 Determine Your Revenue Categories, Value: $12

🟡 Create Your Services Guide, Value: $12

🟡 Consultation Pricing Guide, Value: $7

🟡 Product Investment Guide (Low, Med, High- 12 pages!), Value: $27

🟡 15 Ideas for your Call To Action, Value: $7

🟡 The Interior Design Process Handbook, Value: $17

🟡 Post Project Review Calculator, Value: $7

🟡 Project Closure Document, Value: $8

🟡 How To Set Up & Close Every Discovery Call (including my actual script), Value: $8

🟡 Welcome Video From Me




$177 Value 
for Only $47!

Why This Price? 

If you know me (or if you don't you soon will), you know that I love to give back to my design community and this Toolkit is just that. It's my simple but powerful way to give YOU the tools you need to build an organized and profitable design business.

interior designer & CREATOR

John McClain

Hi, I'm John! 

You might know me from social media, or from my popular podcast, The Designer Within, or maybe from my coffee table book (also named The Designer Within). However you found me, I'm just glad you did! I have run a profitable (profitable is the key word) 7-figure multi-coastal interior design firm for almost 15 years and I have made my share of mistakes. But guess what? I have also found out what works! And I'm so thrilled to share some of that with you today in this Interior Design Business Toolkit! 

I have worked hard to put together my favorite things in this toolkit and I hope you enjoy as much as those have before you!


We have toolkits for our install days. I think it's high-time we have one for our design business too!

Don’t miss out on this limited time offer! 
It WILL be going away soon!

With this toolkit you'll be able to:

Know Your Pricing

Do you know what you should be charging for your Consultation? What about your other services? Let's talk about that shall we?

Know Your Product Offerings

There's more to interior design than just Full Service Design. Let's figure out what other services you might find joy and profit in offering to your client base.

Know Your Processes

I know that you might understand what you do each day, but let's finally take the time to really get your processes in order to run like a well-designed machine.

clarity in Communication

Avoid misunderstandings and possible confrontations with documents that clearly set the stage for how you run your business.

Closing the deal

Selling doesn't always come easy, but it's essential. I'll give you my exact script to use or alter as you wish!

Clear Marketing

You need to know your very best client, of course, but you also need ways to find that client. I'll give you 15 ways to snag them!

Don't miss your chance to get The Essential Interior Design Business Toolkit while this $47 offer lasts.